Blog,  Fashion

It’s Not The Gym, It’s A Courtroom


This is a pet peeve of mine and it is time I address it. I remember the first time I witnessed the atrocity. It was about 4 years ago. I was in court waiting for my case to be called when another case was called. I witnessed one of the parties walking up to podium. One man dressed in a suit and a woman dressed in New Balance shoes, a black North Face jacket, and black sweat pants (not even yoga pants but old school sweat with the cuff around the ankles!). Now I assumed that the man was the attorney, no, not because he was a man but because he was actually dressed like a lawyer. Then I saw the woman’s face…she was an attorney I knew (gasp). I couldn’t understand her court attire. Why did she think this was appropriate? I listened to the hearing hoping it was some emergency, last minute thing that she was called into during her morning run, but alas that was not the case. As I alluded to in the beginning, this was not an isolated incident.

I have seen a steady increase in workout clothing making appearances in the courtroom and not by clients. I have seen more attorneys in sweat suits. Attorneys wearing in yoga pants, attorneys in suits with sneakers. I recently met an attorney who moved here from Europe and expressed his shock when he showed up in court in 3 piece suit and was told by other attorneys that he was “way overdressed.” Apparently it is ok to look like you came from the gym but like you walked off the pages of GQ.

Why are attorneys not taking pride in their appearance or their profession? Could it be my location? I have been told that Seattle people don’t dress up. I can attest to that. I have gone to black tie affairs, cocktail parties, and the symphony to see jeans and flip flops. So yes when it comes to appropriate attire Seattle is not at the top of anyone’s best dressed list. But I am talking about professionals who understand that being an attorney means looking like one… sometimes.

Whatever the reason for the increase of workout clothes in the courtroom, I don’t like it. You can still be comfortable and professional. If you can’t figure out how to do that call me, I’ll dress you.


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