Attorney Lifestyle,  Blog

Take A Vacation and Live Your Life This Summer


I recently returned from my first real vacation since I went solo some 4+ years ago. Now what do I mean by “real vacation”? I mean I was on a cruise ship in the middle of the Mediterranean with no Wi-Fi and no cell service. I was for the first time completely cut off from work. Now I’ve taken “vacations” before but I was constantly answering emails and taking calls. In one instance I was scrambling to find a place to fax last minute documents I received on Christmas Eve. Not much of a vacation.

Being a solo attorney makes it hard to get away. But we all know the good things in life do not come easy. Finding the time to take a “real” vacation will not only make you a happier healthier person but it will also make you a better lawyer. There are multiple studies about the health benefits of taking time off. These studies show that a vacation can decrease heart issues and stress; but also improve your productivity, mental power, and relationships.

Part of the reason that many attorneys decide to go solo is so that they can enjoy their lives. Yet we get so caught up in the work that we forget to do just that. This summer I encourage you to take a “real” vacation even if it’s just for a few days and you don’t even leave the state. Find some time to live your life.

Here’s a few pictures from my “real” vacation:








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