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Your Business Wardrobe: Keeping it Classy While Still Being Sassy


When I was going through law school I was always told that women were to dress conservatively. Black or navy suits only with white or light pink shirts; pearls and post earrings. Hair should be straight or in a bun, nothing too flashy and absolutely no colored nail polish or makeup. I followed those rules for a bit and then I decided I could sass up my wardrobe.

I started small, a purple blouse, a grey suit, and some dangling earrings. And guess what? Nothing happened. My career wasn’t over. I was never told that I looked any less professional. I actually started getting compliments from court security, clerks, and other attorneys. I have even started to notice other female attorneys wearing tights with interesting patterns, cheetah print shoes, and skirts that go above the knee. They all looked professional but with some sass.

So how do you add some sassy to your work wardrobe while keeping your classy?

1. It’s still work not a singles mixer, so nothing tight, short and low cut. Nothing takes away your classy like constantly pulling your skirt down or trying to cover your cleavage.

2. Add some color; you don’t only have to wear black or navy. Find colors that look good on you and that complement the neutrals you already have.

3. Try a small change to your makeup, a new lip gloss or eye shadow color. Visit a makeup counter for free makeover so you can see what looks good on you.

4. Wear one statement piece of jewelry, a necklace or bracelet. You don’t need to pile on the jewelry one good piece speaks volumes.

5. Be comfortable, no matter what you are wearing you have to feel comfortable in it. The more comfortable you are the more confident you look.

6. Carry a fun handbag, laptop case, or iPad cover. The accessories you carry everyday become part of your wardrobe. Sometimes it’s easier to sass up your accessories than yourself.

7. Last but not least, shoes. The right shoes can make any outfit. Do you have sassy shoes that are not the most comfortable to walk around in all day? I own a lot of 5+ inch heels and they are cute shoes but seriously who can walk around in 5+ inch shoes with no problems. Not this girl. So what do I do? I carry what I like to call “back up flip flops”. I buy cheap flip flops keep some in my car and in my purse. When I want to wear the sky high heels I wear the flip flops until I get to my destination. I’ve changed out of my flip flops in alleys, parking garages, going up escalators, and behind trees and I always walk into the office, an event or meeting, or court in the heels. Try wearing comfortable shoes until you get to your destination that way you won’t kill your feet but you still get to wear your favorite heels.


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