Blog,  Networking

Is Your Unprofessionalism Hurting Your Networking?

Networking can be imperative for solos, small firms, and new attorneys. While solos and small firms don’t have huge advertising budgets, networking is a great way for them to get their name out and let people know what they do. For new attorneys it is a great way to meet contacts and for them to get an impression of who you are. I have witnessed some attorneys do some unprofessional things while networking. Here are 4 tips on how not to be unprofessional while networking.

  1. Keep Your Shoes On. That may sound like a no brainer but at the networking event I just attended one woman decided to go shoeless. She was in flat sandals so I am not sure of the need to have her feet more exposed but it did not give a good impression. It looked very unprofessional and it gave the impression that she was not taking the event seriously. You are in a professional atmosphere not your living room.
  2. Don’t announce that after the event you want to “go get drunk”. I witnessed a new lawyer do this. As a new lawyer who is just beginning your career you do not want to become known as the lawyer who likes to go get wasted. You may be thinking you need a drink after talking to lawyers all night, just don’t announce it at the top of your lungs.
  3. Along the lines of the above, Don’t be drunk at an event. I had the displeasure of meeting an extremely drunk attorney at an event. He was loud, slurring his words, and being completely inappropriate. You could see the looks of disbelief on the faces of those around him. Needless to say I threw his card away, he was not an attorney I would refer anyone to.
  4. Don’t dress like you are going to the beach. Unless you are at a networking event at the beach or beach attire is requested you should dress appropriately to network. That does not mean you have to be in suit but board shorts and flip flops do not give a professional appearance.

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