Blog,  Family,  Law

Father’s Day Was Yesterday

Father’s Day was yesterday and since I was traveling I did not do my normal Facebook tribute to my Dad. I did send a gift, card and made sure to call him so it wasn’t a complete loss. I am by all accounts a Daddy’s Girl. I have a wonderful father (and mother) and I am quite thankful for him. I can’t imagine growing up or even being grown up and not having a father, my Father. I often feel that fathers are very overlooked in our society.  I wrote a post some years back on fathers and family law if you want to check it out; and reflecting once more on Father’s Day I fee l the need to write more about it.

As I mentioned fathers are overlooked and we all know how important mothers are but fathers are just as important. I deal with families daily and I deal with fathers daily. I see many many many fathers fighting to see the children they didn’t even know existed. Fighting to still be a good father after a divorce and not just a “weekend dad”.  I see father’s who are single parents raising their children and giving all they have. There seems to be a misconception that fathers are not involved in their children’s lives and they don’t pay child support. Trust me when I say, there are several, I mean a ton, of mother’s who are guilty of those things as well. This isn’t a one sided issue.

I definitely think that the perception of fathers is changing, for the better. And I even think that the legal system is catching up too. Now it isn’t so much as “mother focused” but “parent focused”.  Courts are seeing that both parents are important to a child’s development. There is still a long way to go, in several areas when it comes to the courts and laws but at least progress is being made.

So since Father’s Day was yesterday I want to take this time to celebrate all the Fathers out there because they deserve more than just a day.


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