
  • Blog,  Family,  Law

    Father’s Day Was Yesterday

    Father’s Day was yesterday and since I was traveling I did not do my normal Facebook tribute to my Dad. I did send a gift, card and made sure to call him so it wasn’t a complete loss. I am by all accounts a Daddy’s Girl. I have a wonderful father (and mother) and I am quite thankful for him. I can’t imagine growing up or even being grown up and not having a father, my Father. I often feel that fathers are very overlooked in our society.  I wrote a post some years back on fathers and family law if you want to check it out; and reflecting once more on Father’s Day I fee…

  • Family,  Law

    Keeping Fathers in Family (Law)

    We all know that gender roles changed quite a while ago and it is becoming more evident in today’s society. Advertising is changing; commercials for products like Clorox, Huggies, Tide, and Go-Gurt are showing men in roles that used to be considered roles for women or mothers. The terms “stay at home dad” and “househusband” are becoming more common place. With these obvious changes in lifestyle and social norms a change in the legal area of family law cannot be too far behind. There is strong belief that in the family law system the mother is often favored over the father when it comes to custody of the children.  The…


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