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Guess What? You Can Be A Lawyer and Be Happy

I recently saw an article that a law school classmate posted on Facebook, it was titled “5 High-Paying Jobs That Will Make You Miserable” ( There was some discussion it the comments amongst the lawyers in our circle about the stress, lack of free time, and overall unhappiness of being a lawyer. One comment said “I wouldn’t say I’m miserable but I’m not happy.”

This is not anything new; so why does this keep happening? Why are lawyers continuously miserable (or unhappy)? In the article, it discusses how lawyers are known for high suicide rates, have the highest rate of depression among 100 professions, and that “associate attorneys topped Forbes’ ‘Unhappiest Jobs’ list.” This was attributed to working long hours and the pressure of having to constantly bill clients. This is a problem that can be fixed. You can be a lawyer and be happy.

I have heard colleagues say that they work long hours and don’t actually feel like they are doing any good. That seems to be a common issue. So how do you change that? Well you probably can’t get out of working long hours as an associate and you have really high student loan debt so quitting is not an option, so how about volunteering? I know I know I’m suggesting adding more work to your already weighed down shoulders but just hear me out. Firms like to look good (as do I, check out my IG:@thesassylitigator). So having associates who volunteer their time makes the firm look good. Some firms allow their associates to volunteer a few hours a month at a legal clinic or something similar and count that as normal work hours. Also many firms take pro bono cases. Ask if you can have one of those. Pro bono cases offer a chance to get away from what you normally do and you get the chance to actually help someone and that can be very rewarding. Plus pro bono clients always say thank you and as attorneys we rarely get thanked so that’s nice.

Billing seems to be the next big issue that makes lawyers very unhappy. And who wouldn’t be valuing your whole existence down to 6 minute increments. I’m not sure if the dreadful hourly billing will ever go away completely but at least lawyers are now exploring alternative billing methods. This makes for less stress on the lawyer’s part and you get happier clients who don’t hate you because they think you are ripping them off for charging for that 3 minute phone call. Less stressed lawyer and happy clients? That as Charlie Sheen would say is “winning”. So if your firm is not already trying out a new billing method tell them to get with the times; billable hours are so 1991.

Now if you realize that law firm life is just not for you, you can always do your own thing. Starting your own firm is not as scary as it sounds. Being your own boss gives you the power and freedom to make your own choices, practice what you want, and decide your own schedule. All of that can definitely lead to happiness. The best part is you don’t have to do it how everyone else has done it. Be creative, find a niche, and enjoy what you do.

Finally (and most importantly), we tackle the depression and suicide. First no case, client, or partner track is worth your health or life. If you are feeling depressed talk to someone. There is no shame in asking for help. I think many lawyers are under the notion that they must “figure it out themselves”. That is not true. You don’t have to go it alone and you are not alone. If you are experiencing depression many bar associations have Lawyer Assistance Programs that promote self-care and the health of their attorneys (for Washington’s program visit: If you are having suicidal thoughts contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

As I am finishing this post a gentleman next to me just said to his lunch companion “Life is too short to be miserable with your job,” and with that…


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