Blog,  New/Young Lawyers

2 Tips for New/Young Lawyers

Technically I am considered a new/young lawyer because of my age but based on number of years in practice I would no longer be classified as such. One thing I always get asked for when I meet other new/younger lawyers is: “do you have any tips?” So here are a couple of tips:

One tip that I think is important for new/young attorneys (or seasoned attorneys) is to make time each month to go to court and sit in on different types hearings/trials relating to your practice area. Set aside a few hours a month (or more if you can) and grab a legal pad and a pen and just go watch. This is a great way to learn case law you may not know about, procedures you are unsure of, and litigation tips. Jot down anything you learn or have questions on. If you feel brave you can even ask the attorneys questions after the hearing is over. Most attorneys are happy to talk with new/young attorneys and share their knowledge.

Another tip for new/young lawyers is to make an outline of how you see each new case you get progressing. Start with the client interview and go through to the disposition if the case. Fill in your outline with anything that you didn’t expect, know, or that did not go the way you thought it would. After you have done this for a handful of cases you will be able to manage your time and your clients’ expectations better since you will know what to account for in future cases.


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