Blog,  New/Young Lawyers

Here’s What You Can Learn From My Biggest Interview Fail

Many years ago after I had just passed the bar I did what most new lawyers do I sent out hundreds of resumes to whoever was hiring. I had multiple versions of my resume to try and fit the different types of positions I was applying for: government, law firm, nonprofit, etc.

Lesson #1 Tailor your resume to the position

I went on countless interviews, but there was one that was possibly my worst interview ever. I was still new to the area but I thought I knew where I was going; I was wrong. Even though I left 90 minutes before my interview I ended up late.

Lesson #2 If you are on time you are late, be early

I hate lateness. I absolutely despise it. I make every effort to be early. But this day, this rare occasion I was late to my interview. I was lost in downtown. I thought I knew exactly where the building was. The GPS on my phone was of no help that day.

Lesson #3 Know your route

When I finally arrived at the office I was shocked to see 8 other individuals around the conference table. It was a group interview. I hate group interviews (almost as much as I hate being late). Ugh! Why would they do a group interview? Clearly because at this point the legal job market was so dismal they decided to save time and bunch the hundreds of applicants into groups instead of interviewing one on one. They didn’t want to waste their time.

Lesson #4 Be prepared for any type of interview

I walked in and took my seat at the giant table with all the other freshly minted attorneys. Our overlord who had summoned us all there sat at the head of the table, of course, where else would an overlord sit? He then immediately asked if I had copies of my resume. Now I normally always have copies of my resume, writing sample, transcripts, and the vials of blood these interviewers request. But on this particular day, I had nothing. I didn’t even realize I had nothing until he asked and that is when I remembered my portfolio with said resume still sitting on my dining room table.

Lesson #5 Bring extra copies of everything

Another interviewee walked in; Yes! I was not the latest. Eventually after all the pomp and circumstance we got down to business. The overlord turned to me first and asked, “Why do you want to be a criminal defense attorney?” What? Criminal defense? How did I miss that? I absolutely have no desire to criminal defense. I was desperate for a job but I was still selective.

Lesson #6 Know what you are interviewing for

I gave some answer that seemed to please the overlord and he went on to the next person. At this point I was beyond annoyed. Annoyed that I was late, annoyed that I had forgotten my resumes, annoyed that it was a group interview, and annoyed that it was a criminal defense firm. I wanted to get up and walk out. This interview was not for me and this day was already a disaster. Then came the dreaded “what is your biggest weakness?” I was 4th or 5th to answer this and I tried to make a joke, yep no one laughed but me. It was funny they just didn’t have a sense of humor.

Lesson #7 Don’t make jokes

Finally this dreadful interview was ending. The last thing we were asked to do is write down our name and requested starting salary on a piece of paper. Being annoyed I wrote down an exorbitant amount knowing that they would never call me again. And with that my worst interview ever was over.

Lesson #8 Be reasonable


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