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Why I Carry 2 Cellphones

It is said that the only people who carry 2 cellphones are criminals and spies. I carry 2 cellphones and I am neither of the above. I am simply a lawyer.

I decided to carry 2 cellphones for really only 2 reasons. The first being I didn’t want to give up my phone number. My personal cell has a 678 area code, for those of you that don’t know that is Atlanta, I was not ready to trade in my Atlanta area code for a Seattle one. I’m a Southern girl and I needed to keep that identity. More importantly it seemed strange for me to have my Seattle based clients calling an Atlanta number.

My second reason is that I wanted some work/life balance. I didn’t want clients calling me at 10:30pm and on Sunday afternoons (all of which happen…a lot). If I wanted to take a few hours or a day off I wanted to be able turn off my phone and not worry about work. I wanted to still feel like I had a personal life.

It may seem inconvenient to carry 2 phones. You have to pay 2 bills, keep 2 phones charged, and  remember to take both phones with you when leave the house. But for me, the benefits outweigh any inconvenience. When you run your own business you work constantly. Those few moments where you can stop and enjoy life are important.  So for me, it is nice to be able to “turn off” work but keep my personal life on.


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