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What Community Has Taught Us About Being a Lawyer

Over the past year or so I have become a fan the show Community thanks to Hulu. Not only is it entertaining but it also gives valuable insights on being a lawyer. Here are a few:

  1. Do not sue strippers. “She’s a stripper life sued her, and she lost.”
  2. Being a doctor is indeed better than being a lawyer. “Anyone can be a lawyer. You can even represent yourself. You can’t do surgery on yourself. It’s illegal. You’d get arrested, and then you’d get a free lawyer.”
  3. Sleazy lawyers make the best lawyers. “Jeff, you know what lawyers call someone who defrauds the state bar, cheats on his LSATs, and cons his way into a firm? Best lawyer ever.”
  4. To be a good lawyer you must not care and you should drive a Mercedes SLK. “Well, I only ever really liked one person. My mom. And she liked my dad. And after all the dust and custody was settled, the guy I really admired not liked, admired was the lawyer leaving the courthouse in the great-looking suit and a sky blue Mercedes SLK.                                                                                                                                                                                                     – Sweet ride.                                                                                                                                                                                      – Sweet job. Sweet life. He didn’t care. He couldn’t care. And the less he cared, the better he was. We are a special breed because we rise above the sloppy stuff and look at the bottom line.”

So if you haven’t already, check out Community and learn about the law and being a lawyer.


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