5 Unintended Marketing Techniques
As a solo attorney, I understand the importance of marketing. I am also not a big fan of marketing in the traditional sense. I don’t really enjoy making videos and social media posts. I am an introvert, so I am not a huge fan of crowded (pre-Covid) networking events. Marketing is a necessary evil, so how do I do it? I found over the years that I have been doing what I like to call “passive marketing”. I have been doing things that I enjoy or that are otherwise innocuous and they have turned into unintended promotion for me and my firm. In high school I loved being a part…
21 Ways to Grow Your Firm in 2021
Is Your Image Keeping the Clients Away?
Image is everything for attorneys and anyone in business for that fact. No, I don’t just mean how you look, but yes that is important. I’m talking about what you are showing the world in terms of you/your firm/your business. I have recently had a few events where I have had the chance to speak with some attorneys. Some were brand spanking new and some had been practicing for years but they all had something in common. They were lacking in the image department. Now what do I mean by this? Well let me tell you. A few of these attorneys were still using a Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL account…