• Attorney Lifestyle,  Blog

    Why I Carry 2 Cellphones

    It is said that the only people who carry 2 cellphones are criminals and spies. I carry 2 cellphones and I am neither of the above. I am simply a lawyer. I decided to carry 2 cellphones for really only 2 reasons. The first being I didn’t want to give up my phone number. My personal cell has a 678 area code, for those of you that don’t know that is Atlanta, I was not ready to trade in my Atlanta area code for a Seattle one. I’m a Southern girl and I needed to keep that identity. More importantly it seemed strange for me to have my Seattle based…

  • Blog,  Pop Culture

    What Community Has Taught Us About Being a Lawyer

    Over the past year or so I have become a fan the show Community thanks to Hulu. Not only is it entertaining but it also gives valuable insights on being a lawyer. Here are a few: Do not sue strippers. “She’s a stripper life sued her, and she lost.” Being a doctor is indeed better than being a lawyer. “Anyone can be a lawyer. You can even represent yourself. You can’t do surgery on yourself. It’s illegal. You’d get arrested, and then you’d get a free lawyer.” Sleazy lawyers make the best lawyers. “Jeff, you know what lawyers call someone who defrauds the state bar, cheats on his LSATs, and…

  • Blog,  Networking

    Is Your Unprofessionalism Hurting Your Networking?

    Networking can be imperative for solos, small firms, and new attorneys. While solos and small firms don’t have huge advertising budgets, networking is a great way for them to get their name out and let people know what they do. For new attorneys it is a great way to meet contacts and for them to get an impression of who you are. I have witnessed some attorneys do some unprofessional things while networking. Here are 4 tips on how not to be unprofessional while networking. Keep Your Shoes On. That may sound like a no brainer but at the networking event I just attended one woman decided to go shoeless.…

  • Blog,  Fashion

    Your Business Wardrobe: Keeping it Classy While Still Being Sassy

    When I was going through law school I was always told that women were to dress conservatively. Black or navy suits only with white or light pink shirts; pearls and post earrings. Hair should be straight or in a bun, nothing too flashy and absolutely no colored nail polish or makeup. I followed those rules for a bit and then I decided I could sass up my wardrobe. I started small, a purple blouse, a grey suit, and some dangling earrings. And guess what? Nothing happened. My career wasn’t over. I was never told that I looked any less professional. I actually started getting compliments from court security, clerks, and…


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