Is Your Image Keeping the Clients Away?
Image is everything for attorneys and anyone in business for that fact. No, I don’t just mean how you look, but yes that is important. I’m talking about what you are showing the world in terms of you/your firm/your business. I have recently had a few events where I have had the chance to speak with some attorneys. Some were brand spanking new and some had been practicing for years but they all had something in common. They were lacking in the image department. Now what do I mean by this? Well let me tell you. A few of these attorneys were still using a Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL account…
It’s Not The Gym, It’s A Courtroom
This is a pet peeve of mine and it is time I address it. I remember the first time I witnessed the atrocity. It was about 4 years ago. I was in court waiting for my case to be called when another case was called. I witnessed one of the parties walking up to podium. One man dressed in a suit and a woman dressed in New Balance shoes, a black North Face jacket, and black sweat pants (not even yoga pants but old school sweat with the cuff around the ankles!). Now I assumed that the man was the attorney, no, not because he was a man but because…
I’m Not A McDonald’s Drive Thru
Recently something amazing happened, something that rarely happens to me… I was able to go to bed before midnight. Yes, that’s right, I was able to stop working and get into bed before midnight, 11:47 pm to be exact. A miracle I know. Most attorneys can relate to working all hours of the day (and night). And on those rare occasions when we can actually get some actual rest we cherish that. So there I was, in my bed drifting off into a lovely slumber, (I was at that point of falling into a deep sleep) when I heard it…the Law & Order theme ringtone of my work cell from…
Here’s What You Can Learn From My Biggest Interview Fail
Many years ago after I had just passed the bar I did what most new lawyers do I sent out hundreds of resumes to whoever was hiring. I had multiple versions of my resume to try and fit the different types of positions I was applying for: government, law firm, nonprofit, etc. Lesson #1 Tailor your resume to the position I went on countless interviews, but there was one that was possibly my worst interview ever. I was still new to the area but I thought I knew where I was going; I was wrong. Even though I left 90 minutes before my interview I ended up late. Lesson #2 If you…
Guess What? You Can Be A Lawyer and Be Happy
I recently saw an article that a law school classmate posted on Facebook, it was titled “5 High-Paying Jobs That Will Make You Miserable” ( There was some discussion it the comments amongst the lawyers in our circle about the stress, lack of free time, and overall unhappiness of being a lawyer. One comment said “I wouldn’t say I’m miserable but I’m not happy.” This is not anything new; so why does this keep happening? Why are lawyers continuously miserable (or unhappy)? In the article, it discusses how lawyers are known for high suicide rates, have the highest rate of depression among 100 professions, and that “associate attorneys topped Forbes’…
2 Tips for New/Young Lawyers
Technically I am considered a new/young lawyer because of my age but based on number of years in practice I would no longer be classified as such. One thing I always get asked for when I meet other new/younger lawyers is: “do you have any tips?” So here are a couple of tips: One tip that I think is important for new/young attorneys (or seasoned attorneys) is to make time each month to go to court and sit in on different types hearings/trials relating to your practice area. Set aside a few hours a month (or more if you can) and grab a legal pad and a pen and just…
Why I Carry 2 Cellphones
It is said that the only people who carry 2 cellphones are criminals and spies. I carry 2 cellphones and I am neither of the above. I am simply a lawyer. I decided to carry 2 cellphones for really only 2 reasons. The first being I didn’t want to give up my phone number. My personal cell has a 678 area code, for those of you that don’t know that is Atlanta, I was not ready to trade in my Atlanta area code for a Seattle one. I’m a Southern girl and I needed to keep that identity. More importantly it seemed strange for me to have my Seattle based…
What Community Has Taught Us About Being a Lawyer
Over the past year or so I have become a fan the show Community thanks to Hulu. Not only is it entertaining but it also gives valuable insights on being a lawyer. Here are a few: Do not sue strippers. “She’s a stripper life sued her, and she lost.” Being a doctor is indeed better than being a lawyer. “Anyone can be a lawyer. You can even represent yourself. You can’t do surgery on yourself. It’s illegal. You’d get arrested, and then you’d get a free lawyer.” Sleazy lawyers make the best lawyers. “Jeff, you know what lawyers call someone who defrauds the state bar, cheats on his LSATs, and…
Is Your Unprofessionalism Hurting Your Networking?
Networking can be imperative for solos, small firms, and new attorneys. While solos and small firms don’t have huge advertising budgets, networking is a great way for them to get their name out and let people know what they do. For new attorneys it is a great way to meet contacts and for them to get an impression of who you are. I have witnessed some attorneys do some unprofessional things while networking. Here are 4 tips on how not to be unprofessional while networking. Keep Your Shoes On. That may sound like a no brainer but at the networking event I just attended one woman decided to go shoeless.…
Your Business Wardrobe: Keeping it Classy While Still Being Sassy
When I was going through law school I was always told that women were to dress conservatively. Black or navy suits only with white or light pink shirts; pearls and post earrings. Hair should be straight or in a bun, nothing too flashy and absolutely no colored nail polish or makeup. I followed those rules for a bit and then I decided I could sass up my wardrobe. I started small, a purple blouse, a grey suit, and some dangling earrings. And guess what? Nothing happened. My career wasn’t over. I was never told that I looked any less professional. I actually started getting compliments from court security, clerks, and…